Egon was an amazing ferret. He lived an interesting and remarkably long life. At 8 years and 2 months, he had the average ferret life span of 4-6 years more than beat.
His sister Harley is still with us and we all miss Egon very much. He brought much joy into our lives and we will always remember him fondly.
In his prime he was a LARGE weasel, tipping the scales at almost 4 pounds, with huge feet that he never completely grew into. He was a red-eyed white most of his life, which he started out with a black reverse skunk stripe down his back and a black spot on his left flank. The stripe didn't last much past his first two sheddings, but the spot remained until Egon started losing his hair from insulinoma.
He always had it out for Giovanni.
Giovanni is a stuffed ferret from Ikea and a Household God. Egon hated him. He would have ripped the stuffing out of Giovianni, if we'd let him.
Egon loved weed, which is how he got his nickname "stoner weasel". He INSISTED on bong hits. He amazed the owner of the local medical marijuana dispensary, who made Egon an honorary store mascot. Much to the dismay of the owner's dog, who lives at the store.
Egon had a fascination with flushing toilets, resulting in some hilarious photo ops. And bathtubs. He was just big enough standing on his hind legs to sense there is *something* on the other side of the tub, but not big enough to easily scale the bath tub rim, which led to often frustrated back and forth pacing, hind legs on the floor, front legs seeking purchase on the bath tub rim. We referred to this as "Egon's Dance of the Bath Tub Rim". He performed the dance with every bath tub he encountered in his life.
Egon was named after Egon Spangler from Ghostbusters, specifically after Bill Murray's line "Egon - your mucus!" (If you cannot picture that scene you've never really seen Ghostbusters)
Egon will always be loved and fondly remembered.
"Ferrets are organ donors - they give you their hearts". And, when you're not looking, they will steal your wallet, cell phone, favorite book, remote control and every padded FedEx envelope they can get their paws on.
Here is a link to another blog about Egon, with pictures: