
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life without Egon

Life without Egon around is tough. Fortunately, we still have his litter mate Harley Quinn, and even though she is an old lady with adrenal disease, she's a Trooper, trying her best to be there for her humans as we are for her, as we all struggle to fill the void left by Egon's passing on April 24.

I know from losing two ferrets previously - our First Ferret Pixel, and her companion Benito - that it does get easier, but even though we'd known for a year and a half since Egon's diagnosis with insulinoma that his future was uncertain at best, when he finally did pass, it was more difficult than I expected.

We are moving on, of course, but it is precisely the daily routines of our lives without Egon that make us realize just HOW MUCH he'd been a part of our lives every day, how much we shared with him, how many times a day we played with him, held him, cuddled him, scratched his ears and his Special Spot and shared so many things with him, and he with us.

Egon, thank you so much for spending your long life with us and bringing us so much Joy. We will always remember you fondly and you will always hold a special place in our hearts.